Macgruber is a film based off the Saturday Night Live skit of the same name lol. Macgruber is a highly decorated military specialist, his area of expertise is bomb dis-arming and creating weapons out of everyday items lol. The film and skit is like a comical mockery of the Macgyver TV show.
In the film, Macgruber is one of those characters who has the best record, the most medals, but cant do any thing right! lol If he does solve a crime or save the day, everything goes wrong first lol.
The story starts with the gov't locating Macgruber in this small village where he is in solitude. They need him to come back from retirement to battle his nemesis who has returned to wreak destruction. Macgruber comes back assembles his team and comedy ensues!! There are some hilarious moments, that had me NEAR tears lol.
The film stars John Forte and Kristen Wiig from SNL, with Val Kilmer and Ryan Phillipe. The cast powered the movie, Wiig had a great performance as the character she perfected on SNL. Forte did well as his SNL character, he was risk taking lol (you have to see the movie to understand). Kilmer did a good job as the bad guy in a comedy, he was out of his element but he did well. Phillipe did his part but there's something about him thats just dull. I know his character is a by the book army man, but his performance was too stiff-like. Although he had a scene where he did something ridiculous with a celery stalk.
In conclusion, I give this character driven comedy... 2 Stars