The Losers is a movie based on the graphic novel of the same name. The film is starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen), Idris Elba (Obsessed, Rock N Rolla), Columbus Short, Zoe Saldana, and Chris Evans.
In the film there are 5 U.S. mercenary-like soldiers, the Losers, who are doing surveillance on this jungle camp. The people in the camp are bad-men that are to be wiped out. The mercenaries notice children are being held there, but an air strike was already called in. Due to corruption the strike could not be recalled and the mercenaries save the kids before disaster. After they save the kids a hit is put on the mercenaries and the kids by the same people responsible for the strike. The kids are blown up in a rescue helicopter, the mercenaries were not on the copter. So knowing that they were meant to die they threw their tags in the fiery wreckage to fake their death. Eventually a woman appears who can help find the man behind their attempted assassination. So they set off to find, stop, and kill the man/men responsible.
I liked the movie's story, but in the end one of the Losers betrays the rest of his compadres. He had his reasons, but I've seen that so often in movies that I now take a little credit from the story. It ends how you would expect it to; it leaves room for there to be follow up films.
The action in this move is above-average. I would give it a 3 out of 4 (the action). Explosions throughout the film, good fights, bulls-eye marksmanship lol. The film didn't have a big budget, but yet the effects looked pretty good.
The cast played their roles. It wasn't exactly award winning material and performances, but solid for the film and the genre. Zoe Saldana is a woman who wields weapons with big dogs lol.
In conclusion, I give this film ... 2.5 Stars
*ratings are out of 4 stars*