*I am more creative and better at writing now*
*And I'm not on that sucker for love shit haa..*
This speech was for a college speech class, duh.. It was apart of a 4 part speaking final. I got a lil emotional..

My old high school teachers thought they were so funny.. You can tell this was the work of a white person, cuz this is white humor lol. Its dope tho! & I used to get excused late slips from the office when I would be late.. They loved me in that biznitch! The award was even signed by the principal lol.

More from the speech class.. This was also apart of the 4 part final. I like 2 connect events and occurrences or incidents. And through reminiscing I came up w/ this.. The prof loved this sh*t.

The 1st speech from that class!! I didnt know what to expect & didnt know what to write or say.. Tried to throw some humor in that thang.. even made some shit up. Went over well, but I would write it differently now.

OK!! Let me explain the time lmao.. I was running w/ a friend that was over weight. He needed to stop frequently and even walk some of the miles. Eventually we parted ways and I finished! Atleast I finished a marathon.. w/ out proper training too!! "HALF A MIL FOR BAIL CUZ IM AFRICAN."

I have this old blk notebook that I call my "Rhyme Book" lol.. I retired it a while ago, idk why tho.. my skills have increased emphatically!! But in the summer of 07 I felt a certain way. THOSE UNSEEN.

Also in the summer time I wrote this one.. 2006, a yr I can easily forget lol. During that summer I had a moment of weakness. There were like 2-3 weeks where I just felt lonely. This is the result. This might be my best piece of "creative writing."

Awwwww mannn.. I was on some sucker for love shit lol. Hahahahaa.. This was someone that came back into my life and so did the feelings for her. It was fate man, certain events happened that landed her back in my space. I actually missed opportunities that popped up, so nothing happened. I'm older now, more in control.. She's still currently in my life, I just saw her the other day. I still have some of those feelings today, but its noticeably different because like I said I'm in control. I did tell her that in 5-7 yrs after I grow up & finish "exploring", I'm going to marry her. And she seemed to be ok w/ that.. I'm guessing that she's thinking if she's not w/ someone by then it would be something that she'd want. And dont think its only been a one sided affair, she has a thing for the kiddd. I am starting to think she's one of those girls that thinks she needs a man to take care of her.

Man I was ready.. I can remember times in my life where I just "got" it.. Like it just hit me, it was a sudden awareness. And this was one of those times. Eventually UNLV was added to that list of schools and I then transferred to UNLV.